PT Elabram Systems
Kab. Bogor, Kota Bogor
21 Agt - 30 Sep 2024
Elabram Group is responsible for the global business of Elabram HR Solution, Elabram Telco, and Axdif, with a more than 20 years history and core competencies in human resources and telecommunication consultancy.
The company has successfully placed more than 83.000 talents and served more than 118 clients worldwide. In its four business divisions, Elabram Group is continually expanding its capability and innovation to align customer needs.
The company has successfully placed more than 83.000 talents and served more than 118 clients worldwide. In its four business divisions, Elabram Group is continually expanding its capability and innovation to align customer needs.
Detail Loker
■ Penempatan
Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat
Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat
Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat
■ Model Kerja
Work From Office
■ Waktu Kerja
Full Time / Non-Shift
■ Hari Kerja
6 Hari Kerja, 1 Hari Libur Weekend
■ Nominal Gaji
4.800.000 - 5.500.000
■ Status Kerja
■ Jenjang Karir
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan
- Managing diaries, organizing meetings and appointments, and often controlling access to the Executive.
- Typing, compiling, and preparing reports, presentations, and correspondence.
- Managing databases and filing systems.
- Liaising with staff, suppliers, and clients.
- Performing miscellaneous tasks to support the secretary department.
- Act as a key liaison and clerical figure for the CEO, attending meetings and managing correspondence.
- Manage the CEO's schedule, including appointment setting, event coordination, and sending reminders.
- Assist in document preparation, including typing, formatting, and editing reports and presentations.
Kualifikasi Soft Skill
- Communicative, diligent, fast learner, intelligent, able to work under pressure, and attention to detail
- Have a neat and professional appearance
Kualifikasi Hard Skill
- Proficient in using Microsoft Office
Tunjangan Pekerjaan
- Hak Cuti Karyawan
- BPJS Kesehatan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- Bonus THR
Kualifikasi Administratif
- Wanita, Umur 25-35thn, Per Tgl. 01 September 2024
- Pendidikan D3 Secretary Administration graduates are preferred
- Minimal Pengalaman Kerja 2 Tahun
Persyaratan Bidang Pengalaman Kerja
- Secretary
Persyaratan Berkas Dilampirkan
- Pas Foto Terbaru
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Surat Lamaran Kerja
- Ijazah
- Transkrip Nilai
- Surat Keterangan Sehat
- Surat Pengalaman Kerja
- Kartu/Sertifikat Vaksin
#lokersecretarybogorarea #lokerptelabramsystems #lokerbogor #lokersecretarybogorareabogor #lokerd3secretaryadministrationgraduatesarepreferred #lokerd3bogor #lokerd3secretaryadministrationgraduatesarepreferredbogor #lokerd3secretaryadministrationgraduatesarepreferred #lokerd3jawabarat #lokerd3secretaryadministrationgraduatesarepreferredjawabarat
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