PT Reckitt Benckiser indonesia
Kab. Bogor
18 November 2024
Control all infrastructures related directly to factory, including building facility, roofs, building performance, and other related facilities. Make infrastructure maintenance program and conduct it accordingly. Ensure all old and new facilities is in good condition and well maintenance.
Detail Loker
■ Penempatan
Cileungsi, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat
■ Model Kerja
Work From Office
■ Waktu Kerja
Full Time / Shift
■ Hari Kerja
6 Hari Kerja, 1 Hari Libur Weekend
■ Nominal Gaji
■ Status Kerja
■ Jenjang Karir
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan
- Perform tasks related to infrastructure maintenance program as agreed schedule, or as set by supervisor.
- Control and maintain infrastructure routinely and periodically, also ensure the facility is in good & save condition.
- Conduct improvement individually or use subcontractor by supplier periodically, to achieve standardized result & quality.
- Perform planned project or emergency project as necessary.
- Inform supervisor or related department in written or directly if there is a breakdown or failure which cause danger.
- Monitor vendor / supplier’s work from the beginning until the end of the task, to prevent fatal failure.
- Discontinue the job worked by vendor / supplier if failure happens which deviate from agreed plan, and report it to direct supervisor.
- Understand and follow regulation in RB Cileungsi related to safety and quality.
Kualifikasi Soft Skill
- Ability to do trouble shooting in mechanical and piping.
- Knowing in HVAC/AHU, Chiller, Boiler, PnID, etc.
Tunjangan Pekerjaan
- Hak Cuti Karyawan
- BPJS Kesehatan
- BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- Asuransi Kesehatan
- Bonus THR
- Tempat Kerja Nyaman
- Tempat Ibadah
- Pantry
- Restroom
- Kantin
- Lahan Parkir
Kualifikasi Administratif
- Pria/Wanita, Umur Maks. 35thn, Per Tgl. 01 Desember 2024
- Pendidikan SMA
- Minimal Pengalaman Kerja 2 Tahun
Persyaratan Bidang Pengalaman Kerja
- Operator Mesin (Manufaktur, Transportasi & Logistik)
Persyaratan Berkas Dilampirkan
- Pas Foto Terbaru
- Kartu Keluarga
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Surat Lamaran Kerja
Keterangan Tambahan
- Having 2 years of experience in the relevant position
- Tambahkan gaji yang diharapkan ke profil untuk menambah wawasan
- Willing to work with a shifting system
#lokerutilitytechnician #lokerptreckittbenckiserindonesia #lokerbogor #lokerutilitytechnicianbogor #lokersma #lokersmabogor #lokersmajawabarat #lokersmajawabarat