Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika


Kota Bogor

18 November 2024
The Lembaga Pengkajian Obat-obatan & Kosmetika is seeking a Laboratory Service professional responsible for conducting quality and safety testing of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Key responsibilities include sample preparation, performing laboratory tests, analyzing results, and documenting the testing process. The ideal candidate should have a background in pharmacy or chemistry, be detail-oriented, and capable of working with modern laboratory equipment. Experience in testing pharmaceuticals or cosmetics is a plus.
If you’re a results-driven professional with a passion for client relationships and sales excellence, we’d love to hear from you! Join us in advancing our impact and leading the way in laboratory testing services.
Detail Loker
Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat
Model Kerja
Work From Office
Waktu Kerja
Full Time / Non-Shift
Hari Kerja
6 Hari Kerja, 1 Hari Libur Weekend
Jam Kerja
Jam 08:00-17:00, Hari Senin-Jumat
Nominal Gaji
Status Kerja
Jenjang Karir
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan
  1. Develop effective sales strategies and establish target achievement plans.
  2. Analyze market trends and identify opportunities for new testing services.
  3. Conduct client visits and presentations to promote our services effectively.
  4. Provide exceptional client service and foster strong communication to ensure satisfaction and long-term business relationships.
  5. Prepare pricing proposals and negotiate contracts with clients.
  6. Generate sales reports and conduct evaluations to assess performance.
Kualifikasi Soft Skill
  • Strong negotiation skills to effectively manage client offers and reach agreements.
  • Familiarity with offered services, relevant regulations, and industry standards. Excellent communication skills, high initiative, problem-solving abilities, and target-oriented mindset.
Tunjangan Pekerjaan
  • Hak Cuti Karyawan
  • BPJS Kesehatan
  • BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
  • Asuransi Kesehatan
  • Bonus THR
  • Komisi Penjualan
  • Tempat Kerja Nyaman
  • Koneksi Internet
  • Ruangan AC
  • Tempat Ibadah
  • Pantry
  • Restroom
  • Kantin
  • Lahan Parkir
Kualifikasi Administratif
  • Pria/Wanita, Umur Min. 18thn, Per Tgl. 01 Desember 2024
  • Pendidikan S1
  • Minimal Pengalaman Kerja 2 Tahun
Persyaratan Bidang Pengalaman Kerja
  • Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy, Chemical Analysis, Food Technology, Biology, or a related field.
  • At least 2 years of experience in sales and marketing within laboratory services or laboratory equipment industries.
Persyaratan Berkas Dilampirkan
  • Pas Foto Terbaru
  • KTP
  • Kartu Keluarga
  • Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  • Surat Lamaran Kerja
Keterangan Tambahan
  • Willingness to be based in Bogor.
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